Thursday 12 July 2007


Hi once again its me from Yellowstone! I thought I would let you all see where I live...
Theses pictures are all from my dorm room...which thankfully for now is just mine very own without a roomate... As you can see it is small and very plain...boy do I miss the Luxery suites of Moyer (no joke....and by the way the Employee Dinning Room [EDR] is really making me miss Gwinn...once again not a joke)
This is in the Visitor Center at Canyon (where I live) which is brand new...I haven't checked it out yet cuz I haven't had time...but I'm looking forward to it on Tuesday (my first day off!!)
These are just some random trees around my dorm

Anywho...some more info on my living situation: I am stationed at Canyon which is at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, I live in the Bighorn Dorm which is the quite dorm, for those of you who are not familar with Yellowstone that means it is the "Old People Dorm" I am seriously living with mainly middle age to senior citizens...when my parents helped move me in every one thought they were the ones moving in (once againe no joke!). So that adds a whole other interesting element to things...esp if I get a roommate who coulde be old enough to be my grandmother. Anywho that is the basic run down on where I live...

Next time on "My Summer In Yellowstone": Erika finally dishes about her job as a Caf Cook at Canyon
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