Anywho...this next picture is just a cool picture that shows off the still visible destrcution of the '88 fires. For those of you who don't already know I was there in '88 with my mother, grandmother, grandmother's friend Doris, and my sister. I was only 3 so it is my first memory. Yes we came into the park and drove around with flames on both sides of the car pretty close to the road. I remeber seeing the fire jumpers and everything. So the '88 fires hold a speacil place in my heart. A little sidenote: the '88 fires were over 50 indivilual fires that combined to form 4 major fronts...most were started by lightening...but one was started by a logger who dropped a cigarette and because of the way it burned in a "V" away from it they traced it to the cigarette and with DNA caugth the guy.
Becuase it was the evening we were out at dusk and sunset. I thought this picture showed off some of the amazing lighting of the hills and everything. This is right by the Lamar Valley.
Sorry this picture isn't better but it had to be included. This little bear cub was walking right next to the side of the road. On the tour because it was at dusk we saw a mother black bear and 3 cubs, this bear cub, a bison, some deer and some elk.
Anywho..those are just some highlights of the tour. It was on one of the Old Yellow Buses (made in 1936...original bus but new engine). The are reintroducing them to the park after leaving for 50+ years. I'll get a picture so you all can see...they are soooooooo cool. I got to sit up front with the driver so that was fun.
The next day I went on a horse back ride. I was supposed to go with some people but because of some sort of mixup I ended up on the ride before the rest of them...I did make friends with a nice middle aged lady from Wisconsin. Unfortunatly they don't let you bring your camera on a ride ( it not being safe to drive with no hands on the reins) so I have no pictures but it was so beautiful. I t was up on some hills and you could see across to they Hyden Valley and the Yellowstone River and lots of mountian ranges and it went right on the edge for a little bit of Cascade Canyon (at the point you really hope your horse is not klutzy).
Yesterday day I had to go back to work and worked two late shifts (2:30-10:30) so that was a fun nex experience. I have now worked all three shifts. Well I have to get up early for tomorrow so I best wrap this up and git to bed. Goodnight all and thanks for reading. I will try to update again soon about something new and exciting.
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