Anywho...some nitty gritty on what my job is like:
Since Wednesday I've been working from 8am-4:30 (Tuesday my first day which was saftey training I was throwen right in and worked from noon-5pm pounding steaks, make pork brine, rubbing chicken...). Anyway tomorrow and Monday I get to work from 5am-2:30
So what do I do you ask...well let me tell you: I am officail a Cafeteria Cook (Caf Cook) which means I cook for the informal dining option here at Canyon Lodge. In the past couple days I have done everything from chopping onions, green peppers, mushrooms etc to makeing bulk marinara sauce, BBQ, soup, noodles, mac and cheese, or mashed potatos from Potato Pearls. Today me and the other new guy who is from Taiwan got to make the Vegetarian Paella by ourselves (he has a good graps on English but has trouble with some food vocab...he almost put in Peaches instead of Peas)!! be frank [if I may] the job isn't necessarily as glamorous as the thermometer would led you believe...but it is interesting...and it is kind of fun stirring a huge vat of noodles or sauce with a with all the steam I get a free sauna on the side
My first day off is not until Tuesday...but I am sure to have plenty of adventures on Tuesday and Wednesday to talk about...I am hoping to get out from here a little bit because other than the 30 second walk from my dorm to the Kitchen through tress where I see chipmunks and cute little ground squirrles (different than the ones back home) I can't really tell that I'm in Yellowstone...hopefully that will change soon
Dude, you didn't tell me you got your own thermometer. I'm sooooo jelouse. I also thought your apron looked pretty neat, like some sort of sophisticated piece of artwork. You also didn't tell me you actually got a real chef's hat. Will you get to keep it when you retire from cooking at the end of the summer?
Hey Erika! I am sooooooooo jealous that you got such a SPECTACULAR thermometer. I am green with envy! You better watch out though, they may take it away if you can't keep your apron clean ;) I am looking forward to hearing more about your summer adventure! Hope you are having fun! (It at least sounds like more fun than grad school!)
Ah, whenever the Deli people pulled out the thermometer at Ballard market, it was bad news for me...meant they were laying down the temperature law on my sushi! But it is an essential and useful tool! Brandish it with pride!
Additionally, you should say "Wo bu hua jian zhong wen" to the Taiwanese guy. Yes!
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