I thought I would give a little post about my yesterday. What an eventful day.
Unfortunately I only really have one picture actually pertaining to yesterday (the first one...the rest are just more from my bus tour).
Anywho...So I started the day by cutting my thumb opening up some
Vegetarian Vegetable Soup *visible shudder*...don't worry...it's okay. It wasn't bad at all kind of like a bad paper cut. But it bleed so I had to wear a band-aid. Since things tend to get wet working in a kitchen they made me wear this little "finger cot" all day [See exhibit A].
Anywho so from pretty early on everybody could easily tell that I had clumsily hurt
As if that weren't enough later on I overcooked the noodles. Alright, that's cool...everyone makes mistakes. So then when tossing it out I over load a garbage bag and on the way to the dumpster...at the most heavily
trafficked area in the kitchen the bag breaks and sloppy wet overcooked noodles cascade all over the floor. To take things one step further, because of the time it took me to clean up after the mess I missed lunch. Needless to say it was actually a pretty rotten day at work. By the end I was ready to crawl into a hole...

So I did laundry. I also went to go buy
myself an ice cream
sandwich (props to Carnation...I've been there on a field trip...where the magic happens). Anyways on my way back from getting the Carnation Ice Cream
Sandwich I ran into this guy John (the one who invited me to go horse back riding with him and his friends). So he says they are gonna walk down to the Canyon and would I like to come. I said sure and that I hadn't yet been to the Canyon.

So a group of 6 of us start off down this little trail (it is about a .5 mile walk). We walk for a little bit then all the sudden turn the corner and
BAM! Right there in front of us is a Grizzly Bear!!!! No joke. We were
soooooo close to it.
Unfortunately I did not have my camera but those that did took some quick pictures and we slowly backed up and back tracked. We then walked on the other route to Canyon. But it was so amazing! A Grizzly...I couldn't have been any further than 30 yards away when we turned the corner. [PS: that little guy in the picture there is not a bear and was not seen on my bus tours...these little fellas hang out all over and are so cute!]
Anywho...the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone is breathtaking. I can't even begin to describe it. All I can do is promise to go back with my camera and post some pictures. On the way back on the same trail we turned the corner and were even closer to a huge Elk who was just
hangin' out and eating. Needless to say it was a very good ending to a very eventful day. Just one more day until the weekend (my weekend that is)!!!!
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