Wednesday 25 February 2009

A Productive Morning in SD

So I just made substantial progress in the online class I am taking. I just sent in 6 lessons...and it is a huge load of my mind. The big question is why I didn't sent them all in 2 weeks ago when I did them. I have no good answer...just two weeks worth of needless stress to show for my actions. Oh well...that's life. But I'm on fire now with that class...1/3 of the way done! Let's hear it for Business 101! Yes folks...all this hoopla is for Business 101. Overall not a bad class--but being online at your own pace and being BADM 101 I tend to just not do it except in spurts. I'm sure my prof loved getting 6 lessons all at once. But I've carved out most of today for working on that class. I know this is not a very exciting post...and no pictures...but I was feeling bad for not posting lately but have just gotten bogged down. There will be a post soon with more exciting topic and pictures. This Saturday night I have the honor to attend the social event of the season (and by attend I mean host...and by social event of the season I mean my social season) maybe I can snap a few pics to share with you my loyal readers!! Until then keep on truckin'...

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