Thursday 4 June 2009

A Few Items of Business...

Before I launch into Indiana Installment #2 I wanted to take care of some business:

1. I realize that it is around graduation time (some have already occurred and some and almost hear). As I know a number of my loyal readers have or are graduating this year I wanted to give them all a shout out. So congratulations to all my 3rd Mo/SPU friends, to those down at PLU, and here at USD!! And a special shout out to any readers who may have just graduated from Pepperdine with their Masters. To all my graduating readers I officially welcome you to the post-college world (or in my case Post College....some car dealer in WA thinks I am attending Post College...which I suppose is fair enough since my post-college life has turned into more college!).

2. I need to brag a moment. I officially received some very kind words at the JPair blog (check it out to see pictures of the cutest little puppy...I think there is a link on the sidebar). As JPair is blogging from a different state I think that means I have officially become nationally acclaimed...ha ha ha. So thank you JPair...and I wish you a speedy recovery. (Incidentally if you have stumbled onto my blog from hers and are the un-named friend who promised her brownies during her really should follow through. I'd bring Jess brownies myself but the drive is a little long...sorry Jess!)

With the sappy, but heartfelt congratulations, and the bragging out of the way I can now get down to the much anticipated IN Installment soon as I get some coffee for my empty mug...

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