Thursday, 4 June 2009

Indiana Installment #2

Yes folks, you read is indeed time for the much anticipated Indiana Installment #2.

As I mentioned the first trip to Indiana was in order to fly home and surprise MuzzMo (aka Mother) for her birthday.


The reason we had to fly home for her birthday was to deliver her present. Most daughters would consider a surprise trip home enough present for their mother's birthday...but not Chumbers and I. MuzMo's official birthday present was...wait for it...wait for it...a homemade Snuggly (don't want to infringe on any trademarks). In order to give a homemade Sunggly one has to make the homemade Snuggly first. I was able to get it mostly fabricated here in Sioux Falls (during a Meryl Streep Mini-Marathon: Out of Africa and The Devil Wears Prada). But there was still some last minute touches to be made:

Well I was working on that Chumbers was busy modifying our official Christmas 2008 tee-shirts (we made them over thanksgiving and wore them home for Christmas). They now sport a special Birthday patch as you will see in a few minutes. Here are two of the may modeling pictures taken of me that are up being considered for use in the Snuggly you can see it is personalized with a big SPU patch. SPU is, after all, my Alma Mater and hers!!

Just look at the functionality and comfort!! (Yes I will be taking orders for personalized Snugglies)
Now would be a good time to mention that I was sick for the whole ordeal. So not only had I driven 12 hours from SD to IN but then had to work hard to finish the Snuggly in time. Also, I should reiterate my distinct distaste for flying. Poor Chumbles never realized just how much it all stressed me out until we flew home together...on top of which I was sick. Of course going through security I was pulled aside and chosen to go through the special machine. At the time I just thought it was some new magnetic metal detector or something (I found out about a week ago that it is one of those visual strip search machines...ummmmm....yeah....good thing I didn't know at the time...and I'll be hornswoggled if I ever have to do that again). Anywho the security lady was alerted that there was something in my right back pocket. Of course there wasn't. I checked a million times...mind you, this was after being asked by the security folk about 12 times if I had a belt the end I actually responded: "Nope...still no..." Anywho because there was some concern about my right back pocket I got patted down...just in the right back pocket area. I have never been so mortified in an airport. Now that you know all of those contributing factors I think you can understand why I looked like this the rest of the flight:

In the end we made it home...and I managed to try to look somewhat normal...and MuzzMo was thrilled with her surprise birthday present...she was actually more thrilled with Chumbers and I than she was with the Snuggly. It took her awhile to come around on that one...but all reports from home indicate that she has become a loyal user of the Snuggly!! Here is a pic of Chumbles and I in our special birthday shirts with the Birthday Girl!

The rest of the trip consisted of my being sick on the couch. I manage to hold off becoming really sick until I got home to the Edmonds Estate at which point I went down hill quickly. Having recently discoverd the joy that is Psych (the best show on TV you're not watching) we had a 3 day Psych marathon. Even Pappy got into it!! I think this a good place to end IN Installment #2. My most recent trip will be more thorougly covered in IN Installment #3.

Thanks all for reading!!


Chumberleeny said...

The most hilarious part about it all is that the airport picture really was authentic ... it wasn't staged at all. And folks, spare yourself the stress and just go road tripping with RoRo (aka the wonderful creator of this blog) and avoid airports at ALL costs with her ;) I say this with much love for her and any who read this.

gijie said...

I concur with Chumbles. Air travel is ALWAYS ill-advised when it comes to making a trip with our witty blogster. (I, too, speak from experience on this point.) But road trips are the best! I'll never forget one fateful ride back from OR...let's just say...we should have stopped for coffee LONG before we actually did.

J. Pair said...

What an ordeal at the airport, my goodness.

The snuggly is very cool though, 20points to you :)