Well, dear readers, we have a lot to catch up on. I have my cup of coffee, so I suggest you get one as well to drink while we shot the breeze! Since I have so much material...and pictures for real this time...I am probably going to break things down into a couple different posts. I have two trips to Indiana to cover not to mention various different life events from the past couple weeks.
I think a good place to start is with a few random recent occurrences. For those of you who are also readers of the nationally acclaimed JPair Blog (for the record...I am acclaiming the JPair Blog right now...and I live in a different state from the author...so it is indeed national acclaim!) you know that she recently got the cutest little puppy Bella!! Congrats to her!!! Not to be outdone in the blogosphere by JPair I have my own recent animal addition. No it is not a puppy, nor is it a kitty..I have become the proud landlord of a rare and beautiful dove family. They are rare and beautiful because they are colored doves!! Ok, so that just makes them pigeons and not rare at all, but it is more fun to think of them as colored doves. (If you don't believe me that doves are just white pigeons look it up...sorry if I just shattered anyone's world views with the revelation that doves are just white pigeons...but you knew coming into this that my blog is edgy and controversial!) Judy Pigeon moved onto my deck a couple days ago and proceeded to lay two eggs. (Those would be the eggs in the picture). Johnny Pigeon doesn't live on the deck with Judy but does come to visit her frequently. I have tried to befriend Judy Pigeon, but it is a slow and now terrifying process. Occasionally I will open my window and do my best pigeon coo impression, or stick my head out on the deck to say hello. I am officially "The Mad Bird Woman of Sioux Falls." Yesterday afternoon I stuck my head out on my deck to see how Judy was doing and she flew up at me and veered away at the last moment--the look in her eyes said: "You come out here once more and this beak will be the last thing your eyes see before they are pecked out." My heart is still pounding from that incident. While I am honored that Judy Pigeon decided on my deck she is cramping my style a bit. I can no longer go out and read on my deck (even though the weather is perfect for it), I cannot go put planter boxes on my deck, and I cannot turn on my AC (as you can see in the picture the nest is right next to it). The AC thing wouldn't be such a problem except that Tuesday and Thursday were devilishly hot, but the wind was so strong it was next to impossible to have the windows open. Thank you Judy! By my calculations it will be less than two weeks until the eggs hatch. I'll keep you all posted on how things go...

In other exciting news I am the proud new owner of a ChemEx coffee maker. While I may not have delusions of grandeur, I do have delusions of Mary Tyler Moore. For those of you readers who are diehard fans of the MTM show (mmmm....awkward silence.....) you may recognize this coffee making device. It is indeed the same type of coffee maker Mary Richards has for much of the MTM show. So now I am a single young career girl living in the midwest with the right coffee maker. All I need is a big "E" for my wall and a Phyllis and Rhoda. Anyway it actually does make amazing coffee--not bitter at all! And for those of you from my college days, that is indeed the Agnes mug. I actually took this picture as I filled my mug up just before I sat down to blog. The mug is now empty so I think I will bring this post to a close and refill my mug before I embark on my many adventures in IN.
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