For those of you waiting with baited breath for IN installment #2...sorry, this is not it. Don't worry though...I will get around to it sometime in the very near future.
This post is for three reasons:
1. To let you all know that IN installment #2 (an possibly even more) will be coming soon...and it will be worth it!
2. To give all my faithful readers an update on the Judy Pigeon situation. I'm not sure exactly what's been going on, but Jonny Pigeon (or possibly some other 3rd unidentified pigeon...I haven't mastered the art of telling all pigeons apart yet) has been bringing more nesting material to my deck for the past couple days. I'm not sure if Judy has been advertising to her friends and someone else is moving in, or if Judy was just uncomfortable. Needless to say I am somewhat alarmed and keeping an eye on the situation (but from a safe distance so said eye does not meet the wrath of Judy's beak).
3. To ask a question: What is a non-trad student, such as myself, supposed to do in the middle of a 3.75 hour long finance class when she gets a random flashback to high school and almost starts laugh out loud? For all two of you who will understand....We were talking about financial planning (so that no one is taken by surprise) and out of nowhere I had a visual image of Hope being just around the corner...poised and ready to surprise. Of course I had the song stuck in my head the rest of class. So here's to you, sultry Miss Stella Ashton, and the Christmas Cafe...still making a difference this many years later! In the opening picture of Suzy I believe she was actually saying: "Hope! Stop hiding behind corners and come play checkers!" And to other parties concerned...last week when I was really antsy I drew a smaple tree forest in the margins to get my focus back. Maybe this all means I've been in school too long and need to get out...
Well that's it for now. I must needs go try to live my life the best I know how for awhile before I can come back and regale you all with stories from my travels to IN. So until then...remember that Hope is just around the corner!!