Friday, 27 February 2009

Me and my friend Nancy Drew

It seems that these "25 Random Facts" surveys are sweeping across Facebook like wildfire. Not one to overtly give into peer pressure I have not/will not put one on my profile. Being one to more subtly give into peer pressure I will do one here. Only it won't be random facts...

In the interest of sparking yet more controversy and reaching out to more of my target market (if you're reading this you're a target!) they shall all revolve around Nancy Drew! Probably because when my computer is on my dining room table I sit and see my Nancy Drew collection out of the corner of my eye. (and yes...this is meant to target a specific new demographic I am reaching out know who you are!). So let the fun begin:

  1. Nancy Drew is tied as my all time favorite sleuth (with none other than Miss Marple)!

  2. After Nancy my favorite character is George Fayne ("Hypers!").

  3. Despite wanting to be Nancy or George I have always identified more with Bess Marvin (except the whole "plump" thing...)

  4. The Sign of the Twisted Candle is my favorite. I think its because it always makes me so happy to see Bess and George reconcile with Nancy near the end (it just kills me when they won't talk to her). Plus the twisted candles are pretty darn cool!

  5. Despite having read all of the original 56, in order I couldn't tell you when Nancy gets her dog Togo...and it drives me nuts.

  6. Because of Nancy Drew, when I am driving, if a car follows me for more than 3 turns I think they are following me (but I've always been able to shake them...thank you Nancy!)

  7. Sometimes I get scared in parking lots because one time when Nancy parked her car two black sedans pulled up real close on both sides (so she couldn't open the doors) and then one pulled up behind (so she couldn't back out). I realize that would take at least three people, all with black sedans, to be mad at me...but just the same. The reason I get scared is because I can't remember how she got out of the situation...thankfully I now have a sunroof!

  8. While at times the self-conscious attempts to be educational in the later books drive me a little nuts, I enjoy all the knowledge I have learned over the years because of Nancy (like the fact that glass is made of potash).

  9. My favorite travel Nancy Drew is The Clue of the Whistling Bagpipes. I love the cover!

  10. I still get nervous just thinking about Nancy being trapped in Moonstone Castle. Some of her scrapes left an impact on me as you can tell...and that was one of them.

  11. I always have a healthy suspicion that things which seem supernatural or suspicious cult activity, are covers for smuggling/money laundering rings or to get people to leave their homes which contain something valuable.

  12. I have always wanted to live in a house with a secret passage...they make life so much more simple (unless you get gaged, tied up and left in one).

  13. I always check drawers and such for false bottoms (I've rechecked my grandma's desk many times).

  14. Sometimes I also knock on walls (specifically paneled ones or brick ones) to check for hollow spots.

  15. Lilacs and Larkspur are possibly my two favorite flowers. I hope to grow some someday.

  16. Sometimes I wonder if Helen Corning ever felt bad that she got edged out so early on by Bess and George and Nancy's go-to friend.

  17. I used to think her hair color was pronounced "titan," (that is when her hair was not strawberry blond...for a girl who didn't dye her hair she sure had a lot of different hair colors) my mother had to correct me that it is "titian."

  18. The villain that I dislike the most, or remember the most, is Mr. Nathan Gomber. I didn't like him from the moment he knocked on her door.

  19. I have always felt compelled to learn Morse Code because it has come in handy more than once. I actually did make sure to learn SOS because of Nancy at least I've got that if I'm even in a scrape.
  20. I always thought The Mystery of the Tolling Bell had the most clever ending.
  21. I always found The Clue in the Crumbling Wall to be the most interesting. There is a scene in it, where Nancy is examining the wall, that is so visually vivid.
  22. I do enjoy reading the reprinted original editions of the first 10 or so...yet do find it disconcerting that Carson Drew lets his 18 year old daughter pursue situations which necessitate her carrying a gun. (Look at me being all controversial bringing up the gun issue!)
  23. I've always wanted a blue roadster...with running board of course.
  24. The cover art I dislike the most (which causes me to dislike the book the most) is The Invisible Intruder. I enjoy the fact that Ned is on the cover--but that thing behind his head always creeped me out.
So like I've said I want this blog to be edgy and controversial...which brings me to point #25 (if the first 24 haven't already sparked controversy this one surly will)

25. Nancy Drew could kick Trixie Belden to the curb any day in a sleuthing contest...yeah that's right...I've said it once and I'll say it again...Nancy Drew could kick Trixie Belden to the curb, across the street and to the other curb. (not that she actually would because she really is a well-mannered sweet young lady...but she could). I'd like to see Trixie get out of the situation outlined in #7

I realize that this was probably only interesting to those amongst my readers who are diehard Nancy Drew fans (shout out to my "attractive, titian-haired" mother) and controversial to diehard Trixie Belden fan (yes, I said "fan" in the know who you are...) but it was fun to take some time and think back to my carefree days of youth reading Nancy Drew. Feel free join in the controversy...or share a fond memory you may have of reading Nancy Drew, because in the immortal and out of context words of this great sleuth: "This beats plowin' corn!"

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Another Post about the Grocery Store

So its a little after midnight and I just got home from the grocery store. Many of you may be asking why I was just at the grocery store...I too am asking that question. Apparently there is supposed to be a big blizzard tomorrow...don't know how bad it is going to get here. Anyway I was basically out of milk and coffee. I decided it was too risky to wait until after class tomorrow morning to go to the I went now. Logical enough I suppose...but why did I take so long? I literally agonized over what kind of coffee to get and what kind of dip to get to go with the chips I had just put in my basket. (I ended up with Land O Lakes Bacon Onion...and its turning out to be a pretty good choice). I also spent time decided if I was adventurous enough to try the Hot and Spicy V-8...I was! Now I am wondering why the majority of my posts are just me reciting what I bought at the grocery store...also wondering why I'm not getting sponsorship from food companies (I am not above product placement in this Land O Lakes...if you're out there I will continue to eat, love, and talk about your dips and other product items). This is quite possibly the most uninteresting blog post any of you have ever to try and make it edgy (and possibly get some more advertising money) I'll open it up to you all, my loyal readership...what is your favorite kind of dip for chips? Or to be even more controversial...what food items do you spend the most time deciding on? Feel free to comment (and if nobody does I'll be forced to comment under different names on my own blog to make it look more popular). Well that's all for to enjoy some more of that savory and delicious Bacon Onion Dip and to wash it down I'll go pour my self a nice big refreshing glass of Land O Lakes Milk....mmmmmmmm

A Productive Morning in SD

So I just made substantial progress in the online class I am taking. I just sent in 6 lessons...and it is a huge load of my mind. The big question is why I didn't sent them all in 2 weeks ago when I did them. I have no good answer...just two weeks worth of needless stress to show for my actions. Oh well...that's life. But I'm on fire now with that class...1/3 of the way done! Let's hear it for Business 101! Yes folks...all this hoopla is for Business 101. Overall not a bad class--but being online at your own pace and being BADM 101 I tend to just not do it except in spurts. I'm sure my prof loved getting 6 lessons all at once. But I've carved out most of today for working on that class. I know this is not a very exciting post...and no pictures...but I was feeling bad for not posting lately but have just gotten bogged down. There will be a post soon with more exciting topic and pictures. This Saturday night I have the honor to attend the social event of the season (and by attend I mean host...and by social event of the season I mean my social season) maybe I can snap a few pics to share with you my loyal readers!! Until then keep on truckin'...

Thursday, 12 February 2009

An Atypical Morning in the Life of Me

It's 8:24 am...why am I awake enough to blog at this time in the morning? Firstly, because I have class at 9:00 although ususally at this time I am scrambling to get my coffee made, my books in order, and my breakfast eaten. But not this mornin'! I was up by 5:30, did some work and went to the grocry store by 7:15. Can I just say it is pert near impossible to resist fresh doughnuts at 7:15am? Which is why I'm finishing my doughnut now even as I write this. Surprisingly I feel wide awake right...a feeling I very much doubt will lat much past the first 30 minutes of accounting (which is why always bring a trusty mug of coffee to every class). While at the grocery store I also was hit by a random attack of nostalgia and bought some Tang...mmmmmmmm Tang! I still hope if I drink enough Tang then someday I will become an astronaut (don't worry I got real jucie too...grape!). In other news I got new headphones yesterday and they changed my life!! That could be why I'm up so early--its the new me! I really had nothing of substance to say...just wanted to prove to the world that I was indeed up at this time! I felt the need to include a here is one taken this summer of my lake view. This time of year the lake is frozen--but its great for ice fishing!!

Saturday, 7 February 2009

A Year and a Half in a Minute and a Half

So reading over my old posts I see that I promised to contiue to update this blog with happenings in my life. Which I never did until now. I know that most all of you reading this know what happened to me in the interim, but for the sake of continuity I feel I must give a quick run down of all that has happened.
When I last left you I had come home from Yellowstone and was eargerly anticipating a trip to Indiana.  It was indeed a good trip.  I spent most of my time there listening to a book on a tape and doing craft projects (said craft project later gave me a huge gash on my leg...not so happy about that).  Also on that same trip my parents and I went looking for a seatbelt for my sister's car in a small town outside of Lafayette.  We got hungry and wanted lunch, but as the only place in that town was simply called "Sanitary Lunch" we decided to wait until we got back to Lafayette and eat at Olive Garden.
Then I stated my last year of school at SPU.  Fall quarter was good and I had some amazing classes.  I spent the winter interning in Pierre, SD and had a great great in fact that I ended up moving to SD (if you couldn't guess by the new blog title).  After the internship I went to St. Louis and got yelled at for getting to close to the statue pictured above...there was NO sign...but to all you loyal readers out there learn from my mistakes and when in St. Louis stay at least 5 feet away from all statuary.
I then went back to SPU for my last quarter.  Once again I had some amazing classes and a good time.  Then I graduated, hung out at home for awhile, and got ready to move.  Following that I moved.
So now I have lived in SD for about 6 months.  It is my first time being "on my own," but I'm still alive (although there have been some close calls, involving mangos, tupperware and the microwave).  I won't recount the adventures of the past 6 months but rest assured there have been many.  So I here I sit and blog from South Dakota.
Stay tuned to follow the exciting and never ending adventure of my life!

I'm Back!!

Well its been a long time since I updated my blog. And while it is no longer summer...and I am no longer in Yellowstone I have decided to ressurect my blog due in response to popular demand. Yes folks...the emails and phone calls have been pouring in over the past year and a half with people asking me to update. So for all of you die-hard fan out there this is for you! Keep checking back for updates of My Life in South Dakota (the new unoffical title of "My Summer in Yellowstone").